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Projects by Liam Daugherty 2017-2018  

This project we did in my drafting class is called City of Shapes. We used geometric shapes to build a  city we used a lot of detail in the buildings some with windows and even doorways to a 5 star hotel. The project helped harden our brains making use think of creative designs and how to make the shapes for the base of the buildings, 


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SOV Problems 

AutoCad Tetris 


In my first period drafting class we used Autocad to make a screenshot of a video game called Galaga. We used measurements, colors, and all around creative in this project. 

Galaga Autocad

Willis Tower Sketch Up 

We created a skyscraper using Sketch Up. I picked Willis Tower located in Chicago. We used many different tools to help created this project. Examples were erase, rise, and the painting bucket were all used to created Willis Tower in SketchUp.

Autocad Checkers 

Today we used Autocad and the array and block button to help us build a playable checkers board. I played two games with it and i won both of them.

Mini Golf Course 

We used Sketchup to create a 3D version of the mini golf course in AutoCad. We also created a video of the course and put in on we created with the scene/animation tab. The video is down below!! The 3D mini golf course on the left came from a 2D course in AutoCad on the right.

East Coast Beach House 

This project we had to pick from a east coast or a west coast beach house. I picked the east coast beach house. I picked this beach house because it was the warm feel to it and I like the wood and the old feel in the house. I used many tool like paint, drawing, etc. it was a fun project maybe next time I'd pick the west coast beach house for a more modern day house. 

PDF forms in Autocad 

We created a PDF form in Autocad. In the PDF were different ways to draw 3D shapes. We have Standard Order of Views on the left. On the top left is Isometric. The top right is the Oblique Cavalier. On the bottom left is the 1 PT. Perspective and on the bottom right is the Oblique Cabinet.  

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In auto cad we created a game called Tetris in was popularly in the late 20th century and is still widely known today. We used tools that rotate the blocks and we also used a move called copy its just what it sounds like helps you make one block and then you not having to make more you just copy the thing you wanted more of.


In auto Cad we created a Star Wars Droid called R2D2. We used tools like the copy tool to help with the legs and with the legs we used mirror which helped us only make one leg. 

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